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Prepare for your long-term healthcare needs by setting up a HECM.

Preparing for long-term healthcare needs is an important part of financial planning. A HECM (Reverse Mortgage) can provide you with the resources to cover unexpected health care costs that arise as you age. These loans allow seniors to access their home equity for a lump sum or periodic payments, and generally do not need to be paid back until the homeowner moves out or passes away. With this option, you can ensure that your medical expenses are covered while preserving your savings and other financial assets. Additionally, if you have a health issue that requires long-term care or an extended hospital stay, these funds can help offset those costs without leaving your family with a large debt burden. Planning ahead and taking advantage of this option ensures that you’ll have the resources available should unplanned healthcare expenses arise. Taking the time to plan for your long-term healthcare needs now can help you maintain financial security in the future.

Before taking out a reverse mortgage, it’s important to understand all of the costs associated with the loan and how it might affect your estate plan. Be sure to contact 5280 Loans to help you decide if a reverse mortgage is right for you.

Visit our Reverse Mortgage (HECM) page for  more information.


Phone: 833.5280.LOANS

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